Hush Little Book Baby, Don’t Make Me Cry

Hush Little Book Baby, Don’t Make Me Cry

My books are like my babies. Seriously. They drive me absolutely bonkers. One minute, we’re all about the laughs, and everything is sunshine, rainbows, unicorns and cuddle bunnies, and the next, I’m standing in the middle of my living room (or let’s be honest, hunched over my keyboard), yelling at the top of my lungs for these children and characters to pull themselves together and MOVE ON ALREADY! I mean, can we pick up the plot, people? please!!

I swear, writing a book is like parenting on hard mode - higher grade, that you need a PhD for. These stories have tantrums like my children. They refuse to behave. And sometimes they just will not go to bed, no matter how many lullabies—or drafts—you throw at them.

You know those moments when you’re rocking your baby and, in the case if my books, the current one being "Deny Not the Heart", and with the writing, staring at a blank page - thinking, why won’t you just give me something that I want and not what you want?
Well, that’s me with my books when I get that few minutes in the evening to write! Just when I think we’re cruising along, bam! Some character decides they want to have a “moment.” No, Rose, not now. We’re in the middle of a sexy scene! And don’t get me started on Nicolas —he’s basically the kid who won’t eat anything but chicken nuggets (like my youngest son!!)

But just like with babies, the frustration passes. One good chapter (or nap) later, I’m back to being that proud mamma, gazing lovingly at my creation, like they can do no wrong, they are angels! Perfect.

And I ready to share it with the world and say, look what I made! Isn’t it beautiful? Then I remember how much effort and sweat and blood and the village of people, it took to get here and wonder how long before this baby/toddler/tween/teenager decides to throw its next fit.

Honestly, though, I wouldn’t trade it for anything. The sleepless nights, the plot twists that come out of nowhere like toddler meltdowns in the middle of the grocery store—it’s all part of the madness, but it’s my madness. And in the end, just like any parent, you forget the hard parts when you see the finished product - simply because the fact is that it - they are miracles. So, here’s to all the book babies out there. May they keep driving us crazy… and may we never run out of coffee, chocolate, samosas (hahahaha) and the support of the amazing people around us! Family, friends, fellow authors, readers and influencers!

And to all my fellow authors out there—stay strong. We’re in this together, raising our word-babies one edit, one rewrite, and one chapter at a time.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a character who refuses to pick up their emotional baggage, and I need to have a serious talk with them later this evening after I see to my real children and my job that I also love which actually pays the bills!!
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